The Facts
Location: Windsor, Ontario, CA
Size: ? Acres
Partners: Noel Harding Studio
Client: City of Windsor
Budget: N/A
Completed: 2008
About the Project
The Green Corridor is a ground breaking initiative for generating a green redevelopment of the International bridge corridor linking Canada to the United Sates in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Green corridor aims to generate local, national and international focus by integrating Public Art, sustainable technologies, and scientific monitoring along the two kilometer multi-lane trade route. Traveling along its 2km length, visitors will experience a new conception of the urban landscape –shifting from a concrete jungle to a “regenerative green zone” where landscape ecology is celebrated. landLAB collaborated with the Green Corridors team on the conceptual design of an interpretive wetland located between The University of Windsor’s Sports Complex and the Assumption Catholic high school in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The project will incorporate native habitat restoration, as well as interpretive outdoor classroom areas and boardwalks that will be linked to other green corridor projects including the adjacent “green bridge”. landLAB will work closely with the City of Windsor to link the project with the City’s bicycle master plan, as well as the University of Windsor proposed pedestrian spine.
Proposed Site Plan

Landscape Typologies

Outdoor Classroom

Concept Scheme 1

Concept Scheme 2