The Facts
LEED Rating: Gold Certified
Location: Valley Center CA,USA
Size: 1.5 Acres
Partners: Kevin deFreitas Architects
Client: Withheld
Budget: $3.1 Million
Completed: 2010
About the Project
landLAB collaborated with Kevin deFreitas Architects on Saint Bartholomew’s Chapel to replace the historic chapel that tragically burned to the ground in the 2007 Poomahca & Witch Fire’s. The Chapel is located on the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indian’s Reservation, which is situated in a hot, dry valley of North San Diego County; as such the new landscape design reflects the necessity of low-water use, succulent and predominantly California native plant landscape with a buffer of fire-resistant plant species. In addition the landscape is comprised of traditional ceremonial and artisanal plants of the Rincon people combined with Mediterranean-type, historical plants as found in the bible. The new design more than doubles the occupancy, available parking, ADA access and amenities, but still retains the history, character and beauty of the original, much beloved Chapel.
Site Plan